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Recovery Coaching

Landmark Recovery of Denver Recovery Coaching Program

Find Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment in Denver: Your Initial Step Toward Healing

Guiding you on the path to a life unburdened by addiction, our program at Landmark Recovery of Denver serves as your first step towards healing.

What Does a Recovery Coach Do in Denver?

In the realm of drug and alcohol treatment in Denver, recovery coaches are indispensable. Picture a committed individual, highly knowledgeable and prepared to accompany you throughout each phase of your journey to recovery from substance use. At Landmark Recovery of Denver, our coaches are deeply versed in the complexities of addiction and are certified to help patients along their path. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of alcohol detox, drug detox, inpatient treatment, or outpatient care, these coaches are your steadfast allies.

Your Personalized Roadmap to Addiction Treatment in Denver

Take the initiative today and solidify your route to recovery.

Need Immediate Assistance?

Our recovery experts are at your beck and call, round the clock. Engage with them today and embark on your healing journey without delay.

Introducing the Landmark Recovery of Denver Recovery Coach Program

Embarking on a comprehensive year-long journey, our program is ideal for individuals seeking treatment for both alcohol and drug addiction. Regardless of where you are in your recovery or your past experiences, we begin with a thorough evaluation. Our certified peer support specialists then create a custom recovery plan to ensure you get the most out of your time in rehab in Denver.

Program Features:

  • Round-the-clock crisis support.
  • Custom coaching sessions tailored to your needs, whether for outpatient or residential treatment.
  • An individualized recovery strategy.
  • Group counseling to enrich your rehab experience.
  • A specialized curriculum designed around your goals.
  • Weekly skill-building groups, an integral part of addiction treatment in Denver.

Investing in Recovery: Understanding the Costs

What are the expenses for joining a drug or alcohol rehab program in Denver? Landmark Recovery of Denver collaborates with a wide array of insurance providers to alleviate financial burdens. For those who prefer to cover the entire program cost upfront, we offer installment plans and financing options. Remember, the value of investing in addiction treatment will always surpass the detrimental costs of ongoing substance use.

Insurance Collaboration at Landmark Recovery of Denver

We partner with esteemed health insurance providers on both a local and national level, ensuring your treatment is financially accessible.

Consistent Support: Denver-Based Recovery Network

Your recovery coach, the keystone of your treatment program, utilizes the Recovery Assessment Scale to systematically monitor your progress. Regular sessions are aimed at celebrating your achievements, fine-tuning your plans, and suggesting additional resources like therapeutic options or supported living environments. Your coach is dedicated to your recovery, making sure you receive the best services Denver has to offer.

Recovery Group Sessions in Denver

Our group sessions, a crucial element in addiction treatment, offer a platform for both sharing and learning. These sessions bring you into a community with a common goal: recovery. As you make your way through the treatment, remember that enduring recovery is within reach, especially with the steadfast support of Landmark Recovery.

Ready to find out more about the Recovery Coach Program in Denver? Reach out to us at 720-702-9994.

Our Mission

To unlock human potential.


To save 1 Million lives over the next 100 years.


At Landmark Recovery we are passionate, authentic, courageous, and uncompromising in our pursuit of excellence.

A nurse at Landmark Recovery of Denver